Arte for Elephants New Tour Dates Announced!

You’d think that after four years on the road with Arte for Elephants, I’d be just a little bit jaded. Once we head out in late summer for our “season’ on the road the activity level goes up 100%, and for two people clocking in 50+ years, the pace is downright exhausting.
You’d be forgiven for asking:
“Why do they do it?”
or “what keeps them going?”
The why/what of the equation is always the same.
People & Elephants.
There comes a time each season, maybe we’ve been on the go for 6 weeks without a break, maybe we get a flat tire, or a show that is baking hot, or some other catastrophe, when David and I look at each other with weary eyes and we wonder if we should keep going.
We give a disparaging sigh and vow to carry on trudging at least through the next art show.

Thankfully, and with jaw dropping regularity, the Universe in her infinite wisdom always manages to throw something amazing at us.
A curious kid with an elephant obsession, a heartwarming story of an elephant rescue, inspiring first hand accounts of grannie so and so and her love of elephants, the kindness of strangers during months when everyone we meet is a stranger.
Whatever the reason, it’s never a question of stopping, and it's not an understatement to say that we have all of our wonderful fans, friends, sanctuary heroes, show promoters, co-vendors, activists and elephants to thank for that.
So as we go into our gulp FIFTH fall season we are renewed and invigorated with the promise of meeting new people, offering new products (tribal messenger bags anyone?) exciting new retreats (Cambodia is calling you!) and of course, new elephants whose fates hang by the tiniest of compassionate threads, they need us and we need you.
We can't wait to see you! So be sure to check out our ONLINE STORE
Stop by our BOOTH at one of the events below OR
Book an inspirational, affordable, life changing RETREAT with us!
We, and the elephants, THANK YOU.

Thyra Rutter is Artist & Founder of Arte for Elephants a philanthropic art business that raises money for elephant sanctuaries through the sale of elephant portrait art. Together with her photographer husband, David, Arte for Elephants has raised and donated nearly $40,000 USD. Find out more at